Monday, December 28, 2015

                    Getting Organized

This is the first step in building your new home.  I bought a three ring binder, dividers, and sleeve protectors.  The builder and his Foreman couldn't believe how organized I was with all my pictures and invoices all in one place.  After meeting with each Sub Contractor I photo copied all the pictures of what I had picked and got a copy of the invoice, so I could keep track of where I was over budget and where I was under budget.  I didn't want any surprises at the end of our build.  My husband also did a spread sheet on the computer so we could keep a close eye on finances.  I have heard story after story of how they found themselves up to 60,000 over budget or given a 10,000 bill for electrical work that they didn't have any idea would amount to that much.  I was thankful to hear these stories so I could be aware of added costs.

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