Monday, December 28, 2015

Building 101

We have decided to finally build our dream home.  Well I say dream home, but what I can afford and want I want in our new home are two different things.  With countless hours on Pinterest and Houzz, I am excited to finally put all these ideas together and create our home.  I can be very frugal at times and have found that it can pay off when building a home.  I have decided to post our building experience to help some of you avoid some of the stress we have gone through while making so many decisions.  We started looking on to find the perfect set of plans.  It is a great site, very easy to navigate through and you can input all the specifications you want so you don't have to weed through a million plans.  Once I found the plan that fit our needs my builder was able to purchase them for a fraction of the price of what you would pay if you hired someone to draw custom plans.  I was able to change the design of the kitchen to create a more open floor plan by closing a door that led to the kitchen from the hall and taking out the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room.  I then added an island with added seating and was able to add more counter space where the door had been. As you can see you are still able to customize the plan you choose.  I have heard of some custom plans costing around 20,000, my plans cost around 1,600.  Cha-Ching I just saved some money!    

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